Tipo de poesia inglesa e jamaicana que nasceu na década de 1970 sob influência da música reggae e que se tornou conhecida após a divulgação em Inglaterra na década de 1980. O nome provém da actuação dos disc-jockeys jamaicanos que acrescentavam às versões originais as suas próprias palavras (dubbing).
Como esclarece Peter Hitchcock, “Dub sharpens the defiance by writing over the OED, by spelling the sounds of actual English usage in the anglophone African/Caribbean community. Dub itself describes the paradox of the poet’s voice, for dub means both the presence and the absence of Jamaican speech rhythms. Again, a confrontation with deconstruction’s primary reflex might seem in order (the word as the presence of an absent voice) but that only partially
explains the paradox at issue. Dub is instrumental reggae, reggae with the lead vocal track removed and replaced (by a sound engineer) with various sound effects (echoes, reverberation, loops, vocal bites, etc.). Dub reggae’s very emphasis on production, on mixing, is itself a challenge to the ideology of the artist as performer or originator (and is sometimes snubbed by reggae artists precisely because it threatens or subverts their copy-rights).” (Postmodern Culture, vol. IV, nº1, 1993; cf. URL no fim do verbete).
Destacaram-se como intérpretes pioneiros deste tipo de poesia musical Linton Kwesi Johnson, Jean Binta Breeze e Benjamin Zephaniah. Poesia de intervenção e fortemente marcada por ideais nacionalistas e anti-colonialistas, a dub poetry constitui uma tentativa de construir uma “linguagem nacional”, própria das comunidades das Caraíbas. O poema de Johnson “It Dread Inna Inglan” pode ilustrar este espírito pós-colonial:
Maggi Tatcha on di go
Wid a racist show
But a she haffi go
Rite now,
West Indian
an’ Black British
Stan firm inna Inglan
Inna disya time yah.
Far noh mattah wat dey say,
Come wat may,
We are here to stay
Inna Inglan,
Inn disya time yah….
Jean Jacques Lebel: “Dub poetry, una poesia insurrecta”, Quimera, 48 (Barcelona, s.d.).
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